Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Pumpkin carving
Tonight we went over to Chris and Nona’s to have dinner and carve pumpkins together. We ordered pizza, had pumpkin pie (in honor of Nicks 15th survivor day), made caramel apples, and carved pumpkins. Mason and Sofi carved their own and we carved Brin’s of course. It was a great night hanging out with family…and sharing one of our “FIRSTS”. Here are some pictures of the night:
Mason has made this face since he was LITTLE…it still makes me smile…
Brin loved the texture of the pulp. We were VERY impressed because she did not try to eat it…she just played with it. The finished product…she worked SOOO hard! ;)
She’s got NOT 1 BUT 2 TEETH….
On Saturday, Brin was VERY cranky and NOTHING was making her happy. She would cry for no reason and was just not acting herself. She has been chewing and drooling for at least 8 weeks, so we knew the teeth were coming…We gave her Tylenol and Orajel, put down for a nap and later awoke a different child. :) She did not have another crabby moment…and Monday morning we found 1 tooth on the bottom broke thru. On Wednesday morning we found that the 2nd tooth broke thru on the bottom as well.
Just some cute pics from the last month…
Since Brin has been teething, she has really been enjoying chewing on her paci…which she typically doesn’t like. I thought that this was a cute picture of her with her paci…it was a LONG day of chewing…she was TIRED!
So, a few weeks ago, Brin and I were hanging out in the backroom, doing laundry, computer work, cleaning etc. While I was busy doing all of this, Brin played on the floor. I walked into the kitchen and when I walked back, she had rolled under the couch. I had to capture this in a photo. It was too funny.
She is our CUTEY! Her smiles are just PERFECT! She loves to sit in her bouncy with her legs like this…
These 2 pictures were taken yesterday. We had a BUSY day full of 3 Halloween parties, lunch with work friends, hanging out with Sofi and a swim meet for Mason. Brin dressed up for the Halloween parties. We were up & ready early and headed to KHS for my class party. Brin was the hit of the party. We stayed about an hour and headed to the Homewood library for our Baby Bloomers Halloween party. Baby Bloomers lasts about 30 minutes. We read stories and sing songs and yesterday we also went on a parade around the library. After Bloomers we headed back to KHS for my afternoon class party. It was A LOT of running around and Brin was TIRED…but we made it through. Phew…glad that is over.
It was SUCH a BUSY day yesterday, that about 6 o’clock last night, Sofi and I were busy getting dinner ready for our girls only dinner that we didn’t see Brin falling asleep in her highchair until she was KNOCKED OUT! I sent Sofi into the living room to bring Brin into the kitchen and this is what she found…
It has been a BUSY season so far & I am sure it is not going to slow down until January… We are having tons of fun…Brin has made our lives even the more busy…BUT it is EXACTLY what we have always wanted and it is the BEST busy we could ask for! Stay tuned…we have soo much more in store! :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Dollinger’s Farm & Pumpkin Patch
Despite the weather reports, on Sunday, we decided to go to the Pumpkin Patch, as we were not sure when we would be able to get to one before Halloween. It ended up being a great decision. Dollinger’s Farm in Channahon was not too bus, over cast but not raining. We got to look at animals, take great pics and play. Chris and Nona and the kids went through the corn maze while Nick and I got interesting information during a presentation about wolves. I would highly recommend this patch…especially for preschool age children.
No doubt about it… We turn heads in the mall NOW, more than ever!!
On Saturday, we went to Orland to pass some time. Brin was getting tired of being in her stroller, so Nick took her and they strolled together. You would have thought that I had Royalty with me the way that people stopped us or practically ran us over to come over and put in their 2 words.
I do have to say that they looked SOOOO cute & I probably would have gushed over them too.