Sunday, November 28, 2010

Shout out to Uncle Chris & Aunt Angie…Can’t wait to see you!

Here are a few pic from our trip to Florida in October. We were able to visit with Uncle Chris and Aunt Angie one day at Grandma and Grandpas house. 038042055056

Sending a CONGRATS!…

We would like to send a congrats to a childhood friend, Amy & family as they have welcomed a new baby into their family today. After 3 girls, they FINALLY have the BOY they have long waited for! CONGRATULATIONS Henderson Family! We are very happy for you!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

“Must have baby…”

Tuesday night, I went in to check on Brin and found her turned around in her crib and she had “lined” up her babies alond side her. It was too funny not to share. P1110631

Our turkey was TOO cute to cook!

The night before Thanksgiving, Colleen pulled out our stock pot to get the brine ready for the turkey…but they put the WRONG turkey in the pot!P1110632P1110641P1110642


This morning we took Brin to get her 6 month pictures.  After her pictures, we headed home for lunch and a nap. After nap we took Brin to see Santa. She asked for toys, tubs toys, size 2 shoes & music. I was able to capture this picture… I think it is the cutest picture I have EVER seen!

After we saw Santa, G & G Fonner met us at Orland mall to walk around. We headed to Portillo’s for dinner because Chuck needed a Portillo’s salad before heading back to Florida. P1110687

Here are a few others from our 5 minutes with Santa:


Brin loves her some G & G!

Instead of leaving the house at 7 am on Black Friday, we all chose to hang out in the living room until the crowds passed…hanging out in the living room was great…crowds did NOT pass…(it was BUSY!)P1110671P1110672P1110673P1110674

So much to be thankful for!!!

This year we have so much to be thankful for…family, wonderful friends, health, laughter, love, a home & work, and most of all our BEAUTIFUL GIRL, Brin!


There has always been laughter and love in this house…but in the last 6 months you have given us soo much more to laugh about and to love. It all now seem more meaningful and without you we would be lost. We thank god  and your birthparents everyday for choosing us to be your parents. You have brought new meaning to our life and our love!



Chuck and Colleen came in from Florida to spend Thanksgiving with us. It was a nice quiet day. We had all the fixing of great food and relaxation! We started cooking around 10 am and ate about 2:30. Brin took a LONG 3 hour nap and woke up a HAPPY girl!!

After dinner, Chris and Nona and the kids came over for dessert. We had a great day!

Here are some pictures of the day…


Brin is now eating vegetables at lunch time. Thanksgiving was her first day trying this. She tried sweet potatoes… First came a sour look,


      then came unsure,                 then a BIG smile!

After dinner, Brin and grandma hung out on the floor and played for a while and she was still a HAPPY girl! P1110662



Brin and Grandpa sat on the couch and watched the game as we cooked. The two of them were perfectly content!


Saturday, November 20, 2010

More recent pics…

Not too much new going on here. Just getting ready for Thanksgiving at home. It has been almost 6 years since I forgot to put the turkey in the oven on Thanksgiving! Whoops! Lets hope that this year will be better! We are excited to see Grandma and Grandpa Fonner and Uncle Tim and Aunt Kelly over the holiday.

I am going back to work on Monday! BOOOOO! I thought I was ready but as the day get closer,I get sadder! Brin will be with Nona on Monday and Nick will have her on Tuesday. That should make for no tears for me…but you NEVER know!

Today is Brins 6 month mark. Nick and I are having a hard time with where the time has gone…I know, I know, it has only been 6 months…just wait til she turns 18…BUT IT’S BEEN 6 MONTHS!! We are overjoyed with her and feel so blessed for the sacrifice of others to give us the happiness we have always wanted and worked so hard to get!

Brin will have her 6 month check up on Wednesday, so I will post her stats then, but for now here are a few recent pictures to hold you over!

P1110485Just practicing for some Christmas picturesP1110488Another sleepy night & CRAZY position for sleeping!P1110494First time in a shopping cart. We were Christmas shopping at Bed Bath & Beyond.P1110495P1110498P1110509P1110535

I can NOT take it…she is SOOOO CUTE!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Sneak Peek…

Tonight, as I was getting Brin ready for a bath, I decided to take a few pictures before  taking off her diaper and heading to the tub. These are a few of the shots taken and they are giving me some  ideas for her 6 months pictures. (Which will be here next week…aaggghhh)


She brings sooo many smiles to our house! LOVE HER!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Play date on the floor

To end our great day on Monday, the “NEW” Fonner family had a play date on the floor. Here are some pictures of our date…P1110324 P1110325 P1110328 P1110333 P1110340 P1110342 P1110346 P1110348 P1110349