We have noticed lately that every time we cough Brin coughs right after us. It is really funny and sometimes we catch her thinking it’s funny too.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Brin @ 10 months
Ok, so I am a few days behind…but I am still in the month of March…:) On Sunday, March 20th, Brin turned 10 months old. She has got so much personality and ENERGY! Everyday Nick and I comment to each other how much we love that little girl. She brings such joy and laughter to our house, smiles, and snuggles. Last night we were reminiscing about how much our lives have changed in the past 10.5 months. We are so happy and feel more blessed to have her home than we ever thought we would…
At 10 months Brin is/can:
Eating some big people food (cooked carrots, bread, bananas, puffs, teether biscuits)
Walking around furniture
Dancing to music
“Sings” to the radio in the car
Takes 2 naps a day…usually 1.5 to 2 hours
Loves to play with Lola. She will take Lola’s bone or rope and dangle it in the air or try to throw it to her.
LOVES her bottle and babies (ANY stuffed animal)
She is particularly attached to a stuffed pig we appropriately named Bacon.
She is laughing at us and herself
She can clap, wave bye bye, and make kisses
She stood alone on Wednesday with Nona for about 4 seconds
She has been VERY snuggly lately
Crawls FAST…loves to crawl to the bathroom and the ramp in the backroom. We usually keep those doors closed but she can hear the quietest creak of the doors opening in those rooms and will be there faster than you can blink.
Pictures of Brin at 10 Months:We had an escapee…she took off crawling…found her laughing in the kitchen!
Just wanted to eat…was not too happy about more pictures!
Hanging out with Daddy in the car…she was having SOOO much fun!
She is OBSESSED with chewing on the corners of the coffee table and laughs at us when we tell her NO.
She LOVES to play with Lola.
You are the best baby and we love you more than words. We love to wake up to see you in the morning. Our lives are filled with such joy and appreciation for you and the gift given to us! You mean the WORLD to our family. Keep laughing baby girl and making your heart smile because you make ours smile every day!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Brin Rocks Out!
Tonight, Brin and I met Chris and Nona at Mama & Me Pizza for dinner. There was a fundraiser for the Homewood referendum. Several bands played and the resturant donated some proceeds to the Citizens for Homewood Schools committee. Chris and his band played…Brin and I missed his part but we were there to enjoy the last hour of it. As soon as the music started, she began to dance and barely stopped when it was time to leave. She was cracking us up!! Here is a little snip of her “performance”.
Just some recent CUTE pictures!
Flower and Garden Show
On Saturday, March 12th we went to Navy Pier to the Flower and Garden Show. We are in DESPRATE need of working on our back yard and we were hoping to get some ideas at the show. We didn’t really get as many ideas as we thought…however, we did leave with quite a bit of motivation…that is half the battle with us!!
Here are some cute pictures of Brin at the show.
We had fun looking at the stained glass exhibit at Navy PierBrin and Daddy LOVED the funny circus mirrors at Navy Pier after the garden show. She is definitely going to have his personality & humor! He CRACKS her up!
Brins 1st time at Maggiano’s! She was sooo well behaved!
We had a WONDERFUL Saturday family day!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Gotta start ‘em at a young age!!
1st paid babysitter…
Kennedy is AWESOME and Brin LOVES her. She comes over on Wednesday nights so that I can go to spin class at the HF Racquet Club. She gets to the house about 7:45pm and I am home by 10pm. Brin is all smiles when Kennedy comes in the front door and crawls to her faster than I have seen her crawl. It is too cute!1st night with Kennedy babysitting
On the 2nd night babysitting, I asked Kennedy to give Brin her bottle and change her diaper. Brin has been VERY wiggly on the changing table lately making diapering DIFFICULT. On Thursday when Nick and I went in to get Brin up, we noticed a bulge by her ankle and she was a little wet. When we took off her sleeping bag we discovered this…
Her diaper was at her ankle! SOO FUNNY!