We are now officially into feeding our self and refusing food if someone else is putting it in her mouth! Oh…is this going to be a difficult few months. She is not taking any food unless she is feeding herself. These are some pictures of the first time she attempted…not too bad.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Yogurt anyone???
Brin’s 3 Favorite things at Grandma Joannes!
While in Florida, Brin really had 3 favorite things to do at Grandmas.
1-Play in the cabinets and bang the cabinet doors shut
2- Talking on her telephone and dragging it around the kitchen island..around and around and around.
3- Laying on Lola’s dog bed…if I would have let her, she would have napped her the whole time!
Daytona Beach July 2011
While in Florida, we spent a day at the condo. We had a great visit with Tim, Kelly, Bill, Nelly, Chuck, Colleen, Mom and Don. It was nice to sit under the tent, have burgers, enjoy the water and Brin’s first time playing in the sand. Brin LOVED playing with Grandma Colleen in the water and sand. she just kept running up to her and hugging her…it was soo nice to see! Uncle Tim, Aunt Kelly (and cousin) with Brin
She was FULL of kisses for Grandma!
Sitting like a BIG girl in Aunt Nelly’s chair!
Grandma Colleen and Papa Chuck
What a FUN day…she was EXHAUSTED!!!
LOOK at those CURLS!!!
Hungry for a snack…
I was cleaning in Brin’s room and came out to find that she had gotten into the cabinet and helped herself to the box of Cheerios. When I commented to her about them…she got up and RAN! I think we are in for it in a few years! (Needless to say…the child lock went on that afternoon!)