We took Brin to the Morton arboretum on October 20th. It was soo much FUN! Nick and I had never been there before and we will definitely be back. There were lots of places to play and lots to look at. Brin and Daddy checking our the fountains!
Jumping on her shadow!
Posing for the camera!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Morton Arboretum
Making Sugar Cookies
Thursday, March 29, 2012
“Foot Stuck, Mommy”
Eating corn for the 1st time
This weather, here in Chicago, has been INCREDIBLE… we were definitely spoiled last week with high 70’s mid 80 degree weather. This week, it has been beautiful, just chilly. During the warmer weather, I think we were pretending it was June, we BBQ’d, opened all the windows and were bummed when our corn was just OK…but then we came back to reality and realized…hello…its just MARCH…we still have 4 months before local corn is ready…
Brin had her first ear of corn for dinner. She was VERY interested in it…for a few minutes, then her pickiness kicked in… but she is being more adventurous with her food lately…or you could also call it…falling for the brib…but lets just say adventurous!
Family Movie Afternoon
On Saturday, we decided to have our 1st family movie time. We popped some popcorn, had pretzels and raisins and watched Toy Story 3. Brin did SUCH A GOOD job! She was soo into the movie. The look on her face in this picture is how she watched the WHOLE movie! She stood up only twice during the movie and never once got down to play with toys. I think the movie theater may be in our summer plans. I was totally impressed! It was SOOO much fun!
A few more have moved into our home…
No matter how hard we try, this girl LOVES her some stuffed animals! She went into her bedroom, and one at a time, brought her animals into the kitchen and laid them on the floor. Then she played with each one of them, feeding, rocking, burping, just taking care of them. It was too cute…but WE are BEGGING you…NO MORE STUFFED ANIMALS as gifts! Thank you and we LOVE you all!!
Double fisting already??
So, Brin goes into the refrigerator and says, “I want milk Mommy” So I give her the milk, then she sneaks in and grabs the water and says, “I want water too Mommy.” This is the result…She tried to drink like this for a good 5 minutes…I guess you can call it, making skim milk??!
Monday, March 26, 2012
So, yesterday, about 6:45 AM, Nick and I are still in bed, Brin is in her bed and we hear her say, “I want chocolate, I want chocolate.” Now, mind you…she hand never knowingly had chocolate…so as we lay there and listen to her, she begins to change her statement to, “Mommy, I want chocolate”…she repeats this 3 or 4 times. We continue to lay in bed and just listen to her through the monitor and then her statement changes to “SUZ…I want chocolate”…we about died laughing!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
A few recent randoms…
I found Nick and Brin watching gymnastics YouTube videos the other day. They were soo cute…I think we are looking at a gymnast and her coach! She sat on his lap for at least 10 minutes just watching and they would talk about it too…it made my heart melt! I found Brin feeding Lola one day…she knew exactly what she was doing…this kid is soo observant…it’s CRAZY!!!
Before work last Monday, I was getting the last things ready before we left, I walked into our bedroom to find this…Brin standing on Nick’s footplate and the two of them in conversation about her first day at Aunt Nona’s house.
Coloring with Morgan at their daddies Rugby game.
Opening a Christmas present from the Sauber’s. Thank You Sauber’s. We LOVE Elmo here!
Happy Valentines Day
Here are a few pictures from Brins Valentine’s Day. She had a small party at school and got to pass out valentines to her friends. Brin got a valentine balloon and a ladybug mini pillow pet. We had a quiet raviloi dinner at home last night (Brin ate a few cheerios) and Nick and I worked on my homework…Happy Valentine’s Day…My how our life has changed in the last 4 years! We were talking at dinner about how we spent several Valentines dinner’s at Francesca’s for Italian. It was delicious then but we would not trade one thing to go back…this valentines was perfect…(minus the homework part) .
Brins Valentines for her friends at school. We made heart shaped crayons, gave everyone a sucker, and a matchbox car. She is totally into matchbox cars right now.
I sit here and can hear Brin talking to herself as she tries to fall asleep and I can’t help but think about how lucky we are to have her home with us! Our lives have become more full than we ever could have expected with her in our life. I have always been a person who is affected by the meaning and words in a song. I cried the first time I heard this song by Christina Perri. Now, I know that this song is intended as a love song…however, the words describe so much of how I feel about being Brins parent, waiting for Brin, and the love that I have for her as a her parent.
Dearest Briny,
You are our beautiful girl! We have loved you for a thousand years and will love you for a thousand more! There were days that we thought our dream of you would never come true. We thank God everyday for you! You are our love story. We will do our best to show you our love for you and help you grow to be the best you can be. You are so funny, you love so truly, you are a lot sweet and a little “stinker”, you love to hug us when we are hurt and ask us “what happen?”, you love pizza as if it were not going to be tomorrow, you love Lola, you are tough, you are smart, YOU ARE LOVED!!!
Mommy & Daddy
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Hand Prints
Today is Wednesday, which is Nick and Brins day together. I worked very late trying to catch up on all kinds of stuff at school that I have just let slip…Nick and Brin seemed to have a blast today. She was a in a good mood for him. When I got home this picture on on the table, I think it is SOO CUTE! They were tracing hands today…I think Brin got a lesson in ‘different’. Look closely and you will see Nick’s paw print and Brins hand inside his.
Another funny thing about Brin today…Nick had the radio on and Brin ran out of her room, looked at Nick and said “shake booty” and then began to dance…No idea where she got those words! Still finny tho!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Brin and Daddy kind of day
One Saturday a few weeks ago, I was cleaning the house and Nick and Brin were in her room playing. As I walked by I couldn’t help but take a few pictures of what was going on. They were playing in her tent, setting her tent up with a kitchen, library, having a tea party, skyping grandma, playing the piano and reading lots of books. At first Brin had a very hard time understanding that Nick was out of his chair and was OK…She has seen his chair next to the bed and been in bed with us before, and even seen him on the floor but on this day…it took her a little while to be ok with his chair being empty in our room and the 2 of them playing in her room.
When Nick was ready to get up from the floor, I was outside using the snow blower, so I was unavailable to help him get up…Brin was right there to help. Nick asked her to get his chair from the other room and bring it to him…it got stuck a few times, but was able to follow oral directions and get the chair to him. I was quite impressed with her.
Snow Day
The last snow that we had, we were not able to make it to Willow hill for several days to go sledding, so we had to improvise and bring it inside. We had lots of fun playing with it and then adding liquid water colors to it to see what happens.
Preschool Starts Today!
What??? Did I really just say that? Yes, preschool starts today for Brin. As she sleeps in her bed right now and I wait to wake her I can not begin to understand time….It can not possibly be time for her to start school, can it?? Well, technically, no it can’t…Brin is 4 months shy of being 2, but we have our “in” at the preschool and she is starting the 2 year old class a little early. I have not doubt in my mind that she can hang with the older kids and be fine!!
This was seconds before Nona had to let go of Brins hand for a second…Brin stumbled backward and landed flat on her backpack, feet in the air…that back pack was soo heavy but she insisted on wearing it. She was very excited for today!
Playing in Nona’s room, waiting for school to start. I got text updates that she was having a blast and was keeping up with the ‘BIG’ kids.
Right now Brin is:
All about her independence, eating food on her own, cleaning up her own toys, taking off her own coat, walking to the car etc.
She LOVES stuffed animals! We have has to limit her to how many she can sleep with. She has been cut off at 4 (one for under each arm and 2 to sleep on top of).
She plays with her kitchen set all the time, feeding us meals and taking care of her baby. She recently learned that when you burp a baby, you put a cloth on your shoulder, so we have wash clothes all of the house, in case of a sudden burping!
She is still a picky eater. She seems to go in cycles of only liking one or 2 things that rotate for meals. We definitely offer her what we are having for dinner and it is usually 99.9999% of the time turned down. Her current top picks are PB&J also know at our house as jelly (by Brin), PIZZA (her ALL TIME fav…the girl can eat 4 big people size slices), pancakes, eggs and cheese, noodles with red sauce and chicken pasta (no chicken). She loves, cheerios and pretzels and FRUIT…
Brin is talking A TON. We understand 99.99999% of what she is saying to us and we believe she understands the same from us. We are still in the stage of sometimes asking her to say something cause it sounds funny coming from her cute little voice, but we are quickly realizing that will soon be bad, very, very BAD!
She adores books! Right now her favorite book is The Wide Mouthed Frog…she cracks up at that book! She is an Elmo Super Fan! She usually gets to watch Elmo once a day or every other day. That is really the only thing that she watches. She has definitely begged to watch it more. When she wants to watch Elmo she will find the TV remote and try to get on demand on, on her own.
I think this picture indicates she will be just fine!!!
The final report:
Nona said at the end of the day when they got in the car, Brin took off her shoes and sock (which is nothing out of the ordinary for her) and then began to lick her feet…What are they teaching her???
She had a great day. As we drive to school this morning, we talked about sharing and being nice…I didn’t think I was overly pushy about the topic, but as we got out of the car, Brin looked at Nona and said (with her finger in the air as though she has an idea) SHARE, SHARE NONA. I guess she really is hearing what I am saying!