What??? Did I really just say that? Yes, preschool starts today for Brin. As she sleeps in her bed right now and I wait to wake her I can not begin to understand time….It can not possibly be time for her to start school, can it?? Well, technically, no it can’t…Brin is 4 months shy of being 2, but we have our “in” at the preschool and she is starting the 2 year old class a little early. I have not doubt in my mind that she can hang with the older kids and be fine!!

This was seconds before Nona had to let go of Brins hand for a second…Brin stumbled backward and landed flat on her backpack, feet in the air…that back pack was soo heavy but she insisted on wearing it. She was very excited for today! 
Playing in Nona’s room, waiting for school to start. I got text updates that she was having a blast and was keeping up with the ‘BIG’ kids.
Right now Brin is:
All about her independence, eating food on her own, cleaning up her own toys, taking off her own coat, walking to the car etc.
She LOVES stuffed animals! We have has to limit her to how many she can sleep with. She has been cut off at 4 (one for under each arm and 2 to sleep on top of).
She plays with her kitchen set all the time, feeding us meals and taking care of her baby. She recently learned that when you burp a baby, you put a cloth on your shoulder, so we have wash clothes all of the house, in case of a sudden burping!
She is still a picky eater. She seems to go in cycles of only liking one or 2 things that rotate for meals. We definitely offer her what we are having for dinner and it is usually 99.9999% of the time turned down. Her current top picks are PB&J also know at our house as jelly (by Brin), PIZZA (her ALL TIME fav…the girl can eat 4 big people size slices), pancakes, eggs and cheese, noodles with red sauce and chicken pasta (no chicken). She loves, cheerios and pretzels and FRUIT…
Brin is talking A TON. We understand 99.99999% of what she is saying to us and we believe she understands the same from us. We are still in the stage of sometimes asking her to say something cause it sounds funny coming from her cute little voice, but we are quickly realizing that will soon be bad, very, very BAD!
She adores books! Right now her favorite book is The Wide Mouthed Frog…she cracks up at that book! She is an Elmo Super Fan! She usually gets to watch Elmo once a day or every other day. That is really the only thing that she watches. She has definitely begged to watch it more. When she wants to watch Elmo she will find the TV remote and try to get on demand on, on her own.
I think this picture indicates she will be just fine!!!
The final report:
Nona said at the end of the day when they got in the car, Brin took off her shoes and sock (which is nothing out of the ordinary for her) and then began to lick her feet…What are they teaching her???
She had a great day. As we drive to school this morning, we talked about sharing and being nice…I didn’t think I was overly pushy about the topic, but as we got out of the car, Brin looked at Nona and said (with her finger in the air as though she has an idea) SHARE, SHARE NONA. I guess she really is hearing what I am saying!