Grandma Joanne fed Brin and this is how she fell asleep.
Daddy and Brin have GREAT morning conversations!
Sofi and I were at Walgreen’s recently and saw these Tinkerbelle sunglasses and thought they would be adorable on Brin. I am not one for purchasing things with characters on them, however, we thought these were cute and would be small enough for her petite self…they are HUGE on her…but still cute!
Uncle Chris and Aunt Nona got Brin this baby the day she came home. Last week Nona mentioned that Brin needed something to hug because she was hugging things all day, so we gave her this baby…I think she is in LOVE! She smiles at it, hugs it, and eats it!
Another of their famous Daddy/Daughter talks. It’s soo funny cause they like whisper to each other.
Brin looked at me like, “Get out of her lady…it’s between me and daddy!”
Asleep in her swing with her hand behind her head
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Just some CUTE new pictures…
3 months
On August 18th Brin had her 3 month check up and shots with Dr. Amin. She is growing and gaining weight…
She is weighing in at 10 pounds 10 ounces and is measuring 22 3/4 inches long. She has consistently grown an inch each month. Her weight gain has not been as consistent. Last month there was less than a pound gained but this month she gained almost 1 1/2 pounds. Thank goodness for Soy formula! Dr. Amin told us that Brin is in the 25th percentile for height and weight, which is small, however she is totally normal and proportionate. She had to get shots too, however she was AWESOME…or maybe Dr. Amin just knows what she’s doing cause Brin did NOT make a peep…no tears or anything! Here’s to hoping 4 month shots will go just as well!
Brin’s Schedule goes…
Brin is eating 6 ounces every 3 to 4 hours. She usually wakes about 7 a.m. and has a bottle. She plays until about 8:30 or 9:00 and then goes down for a nap. She wakes about 11 and is ready for another bottle. We then get her dressed for the day. We are off to run our errands or do things around the house. She is GREAT while we are out and about usually napping a bit or just hanging out with smiles. Recently she has begun talking A LOT…we LOVE it! Often times she gets a bottle while we are out…usually people stop and say how cute she is or what a great baby….we reply with WE KNOW…(just kidding, we just smile and say Thanks). She usually naps again around 4 or 5. She is up for a bottle again, which is usually Nicks bottle to feed. Then it is bath, books, and bed. She is asleep by 8:30 at the latest and often times we are having to keep her up for whatever reason…lately it’s been cause we like to go for a walk about 7 with she and the dog.
What is Brin doing now?
- pushing up with her hands when on her tummy
- leaning on her elbows when on her tummy
- giggling
- “talking” A LOT
- SMILING with purpose
- scooting on her belly (not purposefully yet)
- putting everything in her mouth
- chewing her hands
- working on rolling over (tummy to back)
- loves to squeeze her baby doll
- recognizes Mommy & Daddy’s voice instantly
- sleeping 10 to 12 hours at night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- cupping her bottle with her hands
- pulling her self to a sitting position while in a lying position. (she wants to be up!)
Back in the swing…
Well, It has been about 2 1/2 weeks since my last post…Life has been SOO BUSY…I went back to work on the 25th and am getting into the routine. Nona has been able to watch Brin while I was at work. It has been wonderful…I plan to take Brin to work tomorrow as Nona is starting her new job. Nona will be working 2 days a week at a Pre-School and she will watch Brin on the other days…Mon/Wed/Fri. We feel SOO lucky to have her for that time. We are not sure what we will do for the other 2 days…but we still have time. I am only working thru the 7th of September and then will be off for Maternity leave until November 22nd. I am SUPER excited for the time with Brin. We plan to participate in a Gymboree class and hopefully a Baby Talk class once a week. I am sure that we will visit work often (as I can’t stay away…though I am trying to practice letting go). We want to get to the zoo and apple orchard, the pumpkin patch will be calling our names as well. Brin is still small for those trips but I think Nick and I have been looking forward to those “family outings” for so long that we can’t wait any longer. I know we will be SUPER busy while I am off…I am sure November 22nd is going to be a VERY difficult day for me after all the time spent with B. But we won’t think about that day just yet!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Daddy Daughter Time
Nick and Brin had a great time playing on the floor on Wednesday night. It is AWESOME for me to watch their relationship develop and grow. Nick thinks the WORLD of her and I can see that her 11 week old personality already is in control of his every move! :)
Here are some pictures of their adventure playing:This just wasn’t cutting it after a few minutes…they weren’t connecting…daddy had to make his move!
Making “fishy” lips.
Lola had to get in on the action too! Daddy definitely has 2 girls!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Photo Shoot
Just some cute pictures to share…
Tummy time. Reading Goon Night Moon. She was up on her elbows most of the time today.
I LOVE THESE 2 PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!She is LOVING her fingers. I thought for sure she was going to be a thumb sucker…but right now it is her HAND. Lets hope she grows out of that one…thumb sucking is bad enough…but hand sucking I think is worse. :)
“It’s between me and the elephant!”
Brin sat in her BUMBO for the first time today. She did pretty well. We are trying to find new things to do with her…besides the swing, floor, play mat, and rocker all the time. This may work for a few minutes.
And YES, tonight we entered the ever so tacky BIB stage. This drool was unbearable…so here goes all the super cute outfits.
Monday, August 9, 2010
The room is coming together!
Well, we are nearing the completion of Brin’s room. We still have a few things to finish up…like hang pictures and shelves. I am REALLY happy with how it is turning out. It has taken me a little while to love it…it just wasn’t feeling like it all worked…but it is feeling good to me now. I love to sit in the comfy chair with the lamp on above us and read to Brin or just feed her. The room is feeling very calm and relaxing to me…I think I LOVE IT! :)
My favorite spot to sit in the room…that chair is sooo COMFY!!
Books and toys.
Ikea desk and cabinet that we use as a changing table…it works very well for Nick. The owl picture is going to be hung on the wall…just haven’t done it yet.
Brin sleeping as I took pictures of her room. She was SUPER tired tonight! The closet!
The close up of the closet.
A look into the room from the doorway.
ALL of the things that will go on shelves as soon as we can get them up.
Brin Update
Brin is changing everyday. She is gaining weight…we finally got her formula figured out. She has discovered her hands and ALWAYS has them in her mouth. Nick says she is teething… I am not quite ready for that yet! She is beginning to become a drool factory. Bibs will soon be a fashion statement in our house. Today she discovered that she can bat at toys on a mobile. She is enjoying music. We have begun to play music as she goes to sleep at night. She has given us some belly laughs …though she only shares them when she wants…we are hoping we get to hear them more often. We have tried to get it on video, but it seems like she knows exactly when we turn the camera on, cause she won’t perform when we tape. Brin is cooing and beginning to talk a lot too. We have heard a few squeals..and am sure that they are on their way daily very soon.
Right now Brin’s favorite book is Yummy Yucky. She just cracks up when we read the page that goes:
Blueberries are YUMMY! Blue crayons are YUCKY!
It is sooo cute to listen to her laugh at that page.
Here are a few pictures from the other day.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Wonderful Shower Celebration…
On Saturday, July 31st I drove up to Racine with Lois and Amy Fritz to help celebrate Claudia and Alisha’s up coming nuptials. We arrived about 3:30 to the Welch residents (friends of Claudia’s from college). We enjoyed the day out in the gazebo near their lake. We played some shower games, shared our favorite stories of Claudia and Alisha, and enjoyed delicious food. The day was a wonderful celebration of family, friends, and love. THANK YOU CLAUDIA FOR INCLUDING ME IN THIS DAY! I can not wait for the 21st…what a celebration!
Here are some pictures of the day:
The hostess’ Jen and Mandy
The setting…BEAUTIFUL!
The happy couple…Alisha and Claudia
Claudia is starting to enjoy the gifts!
Well…maybe not so much here…and this is the gift I gave them…go figure! :)
She is beginning to get annoyed with my picture taking… Oh Claudia, Just you wait…I have got pictures that you wish you had…hahahaha ;)
The guests…
Still annoyed at the picture taking…I was having a BALL!
Typical Claudia fashion…
Practicing the kiss…
This was a great day and I am SOO glad that I got to share it with one of my oldest friends!
Claud, I am so happy for you and excited for what is to come in your life! You will always have me supporting you and loving you! Can’t wait for the BIG DAY! ~Suz