On August 18th Brin had her 3 month check up and shots with Dr. Amin. She is growing and gaining weight…
She is weighing in at 10 pounds 10 ounces and is measuring 22 3/4 inches long. She has consistently grown an inch each month. Her weight gain has not been as consistent. Last month there was less than a pound gained but this month she gained almost 1 1/2 pounds. Thank goodness for Soy formula! Dr. Amin told us that Brin is in the 25th percentile for height and weight, which is small, however she is totally normal and proportionate. She had to get shots too, however she was AWESOME…or maybe Dr. Amin just knows what she’s doing cause Brin did NOT make a peep…no tears or anything! Here’s to hoping 4 month shots will go just as well!
Brin’s Schedule goes…
Brin is eating 6 ounces every 3 to 4 hours. She usually wakes about 7 a.m. and has a bottle. She plays until about 8:30 or 9:00 and then goes down for a nap. She wakes about 11 and is ready for another bottle. We then get her dressed for the day. We are off to run our errands or do things around the house. She is GREAT while we are out and about usually napping a bit or just hanging out with smiles. Recently she has begun talking A LOT…we LOVE it! Often times she gets a bottle while we are out…usually people stop and say how cute she is or what a great baby….we reply with WE KNOW…(just kidding, we just smile and say Thanks). She usually naps again around 4 or 5. She is up for a bottle again, which is usually Nicks bottle to feed. Then it is bath, books, and bed. She is asleep by 8:30 at the latest and often times we are having to keep her up for whatever reason…lately it’s been cause we like to go for a walk about 7 with she and the dog.
What is Brin doing now?
- pushing up with her hands when on her tummy
- leaning on her elbows when on her tummy
- giggling
- “talking” A LOT
- SMILING with purpose
- scooting on her belly (not purposefully yet)
- putting everything in her mouth
- chewing her hands
- working on rolling over (tummy to back)
- loves to squeeze her baby doll
- recognizes Mommy & Daddy’s voice instantly
- sleeping 10 to 12 hours at night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- cupping her bottle with her hands
- pulling her self to a sitting position while in a lying position. (she wants to be up!)
1 comment:
GREAT update on Brin! I can't believe it's been three months already...it goes so fast. She's too cute, and I gotta say, I love the daddy/daughter pictures. PRECIOUS!
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