Happy Birthday to our SWEET girl! It is just unbelievable how fast this life is moving! To think that 1 year ago right now, Nick and I were sitting in a hospital waiting for the world to welcome our daughter…makes me speechless. This year has been AMAZING…more than I ever expected, harder some days but easier most. Brin is just changing like crazy! At 1 year she is:
Saying Mommy, Daddy, Lola, dog
Making animal sounds-monkey, lion, elephant, dog
Walking around all the furniture and really beginning to get confidence to step once or twice alone
Beginning to eat table food- She likes, black olives, gold fish, mac and cheese, baby puffs, baby yogurt, peas, corn, bread, & pizza crust.
She is still attached to her bottles and formula, but we will really hunker down soon and get rid of bottles and formula.
She LOVES to have water dropped into her mouth from a straw, hasn’t quite figured out how to suck on the straw yet.
She weighs 19.5 pounds and is 29.5 inches
She is wearing 12-18 month clothes and is a size 2/3 shoe.
She is going to bed about 7:30 and sleeping between 6:30 and 7:15 every morning.
She is still taking 2 naps during the day.
She ALWAYS gives Lola a kiss before she goes to bed at night and kisses herself in the mirror or in pictures. 
May 20, 2010

May 20, 2011