Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sleeping Beauties

Nick got home from work early today. He decided to try out the rocker in Brin’s room…this was the result…


They ended up sleeping there for 2 hours! Just too cute not to post!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

In her own room!

Yesterday was a day of cleaning, organizing and being somewhat productive. In the afternoon, Nick and I decided that our room was just feeling cramped and we had no where to move. The only solution…move Brin out. :(. So, with a sad face, we got her things in her room moved around and we moved her cradle in.

I was a sad to move her, but I knew that the longer we waited the more we were prolonging the inevitable. She can’t stay in our room forever…she will need to go to Kindergarten, Prom, and College…I think I am moving ahead of my self… she is only 8 weeks old and we only moved the cradle.

We started our bedtime routine like any other. Brin got a bath in the sink at about 8:30. She LOVES to be in the water. She was a little cranky before her bath (due to lack of decent nap) but as soon as she hit that water it was all smiles. Then we get lotion, diaper, and jams. After we are ready for bed, it is time for books and bottle. Last night we read, I Wished For You, Good Night Moon, and 5 Little Monkeys.

While eating her bottle, Brin usually falls fast asleep. This makes bed time last a little longer, but by 9:30 she is in bed ready for some Z’s.

Here are some pictures from the night…


A little bath in the Puj in the sink.

P1090959Lola just couldn’t get close enough to us. She ended up on her hind legs resting her head and front paws in my lap next to the baby.


Asleep in her cradle…


Lola kept checking on Brin to make sure she was OK.

P1090971About 6:30 I heard little coo’s in the monitor. When I went into Brin room…this is the face that was looking up at me. I think she is going to be just fine in her own room! 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Sleep Stylings of Brin

This girl has got some of the strangest positions that she sleeps in. We are discovering that she can fall asleep just about anywhere....
Found her alseep on her boppi with arms tucked behind her head!

Asleep on her boppi with hands on knees!

Arched back about to fall asleep on Nick's lap. She loves this position!

No more pictures please! She ALWAYS has her hands on her face.

Not sure what you call this! Maybe...comfortable???

1 burp and knocked out in like .2 seconds.

On Nicks lap with her hands by her face...it was SUPER cute!

Labor Day Parade...VERY hot out and this is how she was the most comfortable.

LOVES to have her face covered!

The first day we were home and this is how she fell asleep on Uncke Chris' lap. I think this should have been our first clue as to her sleep habits.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Brins Stats to Date

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Welcome Brin Nayelli Fonner
7 pounds 5 ounces
19 inches
Dr. Amin weighing Brin for her 1 week check up.
7 pounds 8 ounces
19.5 inches
Eating 2 ounces every 2 -3 hours
Sleeping about 3 hours during the night
Mommy usually goes to bed about 10pm and Daddy stays up to feed at 12 am
Mommy does the middle of the night feedings and Daddy does the early morning ones.
A PERFECT system!
1 month check up
Monday, June 28, 2010
8 pounds 10 ounces
20 3/4 inches
Eating every 3 hours like clock work!
Smiled at Grandma Joanne during our visit to Florida at 3 1/2 weeks.
Sleeping 3 1/2 to 5 hours at night

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
9 pounds 5 ounces
21 3/4 inches
Eating 4 ounces every 3 - 4 hours
Sleeping 7-9 hours at night pretty regularly
Brin went to bed last night at 9:30 and DID NOT wake until 6:30 this morning
Usually she is ready for a bottle and then back to sleep until 10 am.
Smiling all the time and laughed for the firt time on Saturday. Nick and I were able to be at home together when Brin decided to laugh for reasons we have yet to figure out! Either way is was sooooo FREAKING CUTE!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2 months have felt like 2 years!

45 minutes after she was born! Very alert and mellow!

On May 20th we welcomed Brin Nayelli into the world and on May 23rd we welcomed her into our home! We are MORE than excited and blessed to have her in our family. In the past 2 months we have had so many changes in our lives including joy, excitement, sleep deprivation...etc.


We were to be at Sunny Ridge at 2 o'clock on Sunday, May 23rd. We arrived to the area about 1:30. We stopped at a Burger King to pick up some lunch. We were then planning on going to Sunny Ridge and meeting with Dave, Jessica, her parents and the social worker. About 1:45 we recieved a phone call from Sharon stating that the birth parents were having a REALLY hard time and that we should not got to the agency, we should just wait nearby until we got another phone call. From 1:45 to 4 o'clock we recieved about 5 phone calls. The phone calls were updates as to how things were going. It took Dave and Jessica a very long time to sign the paperwork. Sharon later said she just wasn't sure that it was going to happen. Thank goodness it worked out...we are soo BLESSED!

Dave and Jessica decided that they just were not able to see us that day. So, we got a phone call at 4:00. Sharon was letting us know that the papers were signed and to wait 5 minutes, so that Dave and Jessica could get out of the area. Jessica's parents stayed with the baby and met with us. We felt so lucky to have that opportunity to have some part of Brins 1st family at the time of placement. They are wonderful people and we were able to take a fantastic picture together. After a few mintues, Kathy passed Brin over and we hugged, said out teary goodbyes and they left S.R. Nick and I then, had paperwork to sign, first family pics to take and OF COURSE a check to write.

It was VERY warm in the room that day. Nick wrote the check and extended out his hand for Sharon the take the check. As Nick went to take his hand away, the check stuck to his fingers. It looked as tho they were playing tug with the check. It was VERY FUNNY and a nice tension releiver ! Once the money was completed, we were on our way. It felt CRAZY to be in the car with OUR BABY!! We talked to Chris Fonner in the car, Aunt Tammy, Aunt Pam, Mom, and Chuck and Colleen. So many people are soo supprotive!

When Brin came home:
Chris and Nona and the kids were waiting for us at our house. They purchased pink and white balloons and a LARGE It's a Girl stork balloon for the outside of the house. They stayed adn got to meet Brin. We skyped with Aunt Kelly and Uncle Tim, Grandma and Grandpa Eylander, and Aunt Colleen, Uncle Dom and & Quinn. It was quite a night. It felt like the phone was attached to my ear. Brin slept really well the first night. She was up about every 3 hours to eat a 2 ounce bottle. I went to work the next day and Nick stayed home with Brin. About 3 o'clock the next day Nick arrived at school with Brin, dressed, new diaper, in the car seat, in the car, out of the car and into school. ALL ON HIS OWN, I am SOO Proud of him! All of the ladies at work LOVED seeing Brin and getting to Ooooo and aaaaahhhh over her and our new family. They have all been waiting for this moment just like us.
Our 1st Kimberly Heights family picture
After school on Monday, our happy little family ran some errands to work on the necessities that we were quickly learning we did not have and could not like with out...like having more than 3 outfits for a new born...or nursery water...or baby bath...alcohol for the unbilical cord...I mean Who Knew! :)
All in all... the first 36 hours were AWESOME!!
Brin's first night home! Such a peaceful sleeper!