Saturday, February 26, 2011

9 months and 1 week

Last Sunday, February 20th, we celebrated my birthday and Brin’s 9th month. Tonight we took Brin to The Picture People and had this time in her life captured in a few photos.



At 9 months Brin is:

16.8 pounds and wearing 9 month clothing

Has 6 teeth (4 on top and 2 on bottom)

eating stage 2 foods. (Fruit, veggies, & dinners)

She DOES NOT like green beans or beef

Eating Gerber puffs really well

crawling…getting faster by the day!

LOVES the dogs toys!!

Will pick up the dogs bone, crawl over to the dog and hand her the bone. (it is soooo cute!)

Pulling herself up in her crib and on edges of furniture

Saying DADA, LOLA, and DOG

Waving HI and BYE

Laughing at funny things

Laughing when she sees us laugh

Dancing when she hears music

Mimicking some of our actions

LOVES her new stuffed pig from Tom and Patty

Likes to pet Lola (looks like she is hitting Lola and laughing)

pulls off her socks & shoes ALL the time

Taking baths in the big tub

Catches onto new things taught to her QUICKLY! (rolling and catching a ball, turning on a toy by touch, getting a toy out of the bottom of a box, etc.)

She is the light that we have wanted for so long and our house could NOT be BRIGHTER right now…WE are sooo in L.O.V.E!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thank You Valentines!

A special THANKS! to Brin’s Valentines! She was very excited to receive 3 valentines in the mail today!

 Thank You:

Grandma & Grandpa Orzel P1120778Aunt Kelly & Uncle TimP1120779Grandma & Grandpa FonnerP1120780Happy Valentine’s Day to you too! XOXOXOP1120775

Monday, February 7, 2011

We’ve got a stander and a climber!

On Saturday morning, Nick and I woke to Brin standing in her crib. We had been saying for a week how we needed to lower her mattress…we got on it when we saw this! P1120729P1120730P1120731When she bent over the top like this…that’s when I started to worry!P1120733Saturday morning, after standing in her crib, we watched Brin climb in her exersaucer…piece of cake! She loved being under there. It has become a favorite thing to do now. P1120737P1120739P1120740P1120741P1120743P1120754

Our 2 Little Sickies…

So, Brin is running about a 100.6 temp and Lola has an ear infection….Nick called the Dr.’s office this morning to see what we should do about Brin…she has had a runny nose for a few days and then started last night with a croupy sounding cough…Dr. Amin wants us to monitor her for 24 hours while administering Motrin every 6 hours and fluids every 30 minutes. She slept a lot during the day today but this evening she has not slept more than 20 minutes at a time. She FINALLY has fallen asleep. Tomorrow we will all lay low ( I called in sick) and hope that she is feeling better SOON! When I got home from work I noticed Lola’s ear was fire engine red and VERY “DIRTY” on the inside. I called the vet and they wanted to see her right away…so I packed up Brin and Lola and off we went. Lola ended up needing and antibiotic cream/steroid for her ear…let hope that works. Let me just say…it has been one H*&%% of a day…Work was crazy and then home to this…I am EXHAUSTED!!!

Here are some pics of our little sickies:


Friday, February 4, 2011

We have injury…

On Tuesday night, Brin was crawling around the house, into her bedroom she went to play with an ENORMOUS stuffed horse that she has. While in her room she lost her balance and knocked her head into the corner her crib. She cried for a few minutes, and then was fine except for the goose egg on her head! We iced it with frozen corn and she was better in no time!


Tutu Cute!

Who just doesn’t LOVE a baby in a tutu? Tonight Nick was commenting on how he could see Brin’s diaper through her PJ’s…so I took her in her room and put her tutu on her and asked him if that was better. (as a joke)

She had more fun with that tutu on, she never once pulled on it to take it off or anything…she just crawled around the house…TUTU CUTE!

P1120690P1120693P1120696P1120719P1120720And then there is the TOKEN DADDY picture…He will do ANYTHING to get this girl to laugh…sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t…tonight…he got a giggle!P1120726P1120728DORK!! But we do love him! Winking smile

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

Today we were home for the snow day enjoying family time! After Brins morning nap and lunch, we brought in some snow and let her play in her high chair. SO FUN & CUTE!

The first touch!

P1120648Dove right inP1120651”Let me just push this piece down and make it perfect!”P1120652”Now how about I taste it!”P1120655Kept missing her mouth…until…P1120657TOO COLD!!!!P1120660

Can’t wait for more SNOW FUN!

Snow-maggedon/Snow-pocolypse 2011

If you would have asked me about 12:30 if we were going anywhere by Friday, I would have said NO…I had been in the garage for about 45 minutes trying to start the STUPID snow blower…FINALLY after 45 minutes, kicking, yelling, burning the automatic start, and feeling the burn in my abs…it STARTED! The snow is CRAZY here! I don’t think the plows were able to come by until 3 or 4 this afternoon. I think that it is reported that we got about 19-22 inches of snow. We have been using this time to clean the house, organize, and get some much needed chores done. School has been called off for tomorrow as well due to the cold and travel conditions.

As I went out to shovel last night, Nick captured my look in a picture: (I needed the goggles, the wind was blowing the snow soo hard, you could not see;)


Here are some pics that we took last night of the snow.

P1120632P1120633P1120635Here are some pictures from this morning:P1120645Notice the snow up the window!P1120646Our bushes are bent to the ground…not sure they will survive this!

P1120664The drift on the car made the hood and the top of the car even.P1120666P1120667This would be a picture of Nick CRACKING up at the dog. She would NOT go in the snow to pee, so when I yelled out the front door, “Lola GO POTTY”, she looked at me and squatted right there on the side walk and peed! I thought Nick was going to join her, he was laughing soo hard!