Saturday, February 26, 2011

9 months and 1 week

Last Sunday, February 20th, we celebrated my birthday and Brin’s 9th month. Tonight we took Brin to The Picture People and had this time in her life captured in a few photos.



At 9 months Brin is:

16.8 pounds and wearing 9 month clothing

Has 6 teeth (4 on top and 2 on bottom)

eating stage 2 foods. (Fruit, veggies, & dinners)

She DOES NOT like green beans or beef

Eating Gerber puffs really well

crawling…getting faster by the day!

LOVES the dogs toys!!

Will pick up the dogs bone, crawl over to the dog and hand her the bone. (it is soooo cute!)

Pulling herself up in her crib and on edges of furniture

Saying DADA, LOLA, and DOG

Waving HI and BYE

Laughing at funny things

Laughing when she sees us laugh

Dancing when she hears music

Mimicking some of our actions

LOVES her new stuffed pig from Tom and Patty

Likes to pet Lola (looks like she is hitting Lola and laughing)

pulls off her socks & shoes ALL the time

Taking baths in the big tub

Catches onto new things taught to her QUICKLY! (rolling and catching a ball, turning on a toy by touch, getting a toy out of the bottom of a box, etc.)

She is the light that we have wanted for so long and our house could NOT be BRIGHTER right now…WE are sooo in L.O.V.E!

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