Friday, February 4, 2011

Tutu Cute!

Who just doesn’t LOVE a baby in a tutu? Tonight Nick was commenting on how he could see Brin’s diaper through her PJ’s…so I took her in her room and put her tutu on her and asked him if that was better. (as a joke)

She had more fun with that tutu on, she never once pulled on it to take it off or anything…she just crawled around the house…TUTU CUTE!

P1120690P1120693P1120696P1120719P1120720And then there is the TOKEN DADDY picture…He will do ANYTHING to get this girl to laugh…sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t…tonight…he got a giggle!P1120726P1120728DORK!! But we do love him! Winking smile

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