Thursday, September 9, 2010

Brin’s 1st play date

Nick, Brin and I were invited over to Chris and Nona’s for dinner one night last week. They also invited over some new friends that Chris met on the train. They recently moved to Homewood from the city and know nobody! It was so nice to get to know them and hopefully see them more often. They live just a few blocks from both of us and have 2 daughters. Natalia is  2 1/2 and Josephine is 6 months old. It was so fun to watch Brin and Josephine interact. Hopefully this is a new friend for her to play with.

It is amazing how many people you meet and create friendships with because of your children. We have lived in Homewood for 7 years and really did not meet anyone until Chris and Nona came with their kids and then Brin as well. I definitely like it better this way…knowing people around me. P1100438 P1100439 P1100440 P1100443

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