Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We’ve got a “FISH”

Friday, June 17th, Brin and I had our first Tot Swim class. We BOTH had a ball. Brin was not afraid of the water (as I NEVER anticipated that anyway) and by the end of the class, she was putting her face in the water and already had figured out how to climb out of the pool.

Yesterday (June 21) we spent the afternoon swimming at the pool. She again, had a blast. She can sit and wait for my cue as to when to get in the water, she put her head all the way under the water and is getting more comfortable on her back too. It sure did wipe her out though. She was asleep before we got home (the pool is 5 minutes away).

I have a feeling we have a little fish (among other things, like a little drummer, a gymnast, a piano player, and she sure does have one heck of an arm too)


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