Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It is really starting to happen...

Well, today will the start the first of many posts. As many know, we are in the middle of an adoption. We have been unsuccessful at getting pregnant on our own and with the help of fertility. So we decided that it was time to stop the fertility treatments, as they are grueling month after month. So here we are today, working with Sunny Ridge Family Center. Last week Nick and I met with a Homestudy coordinator and began the homestudy process. We were both interviewed together and it went well. It was very much like the marriage counceling that most people go thru in the months before you get married. We talked about our relationship, how we met, strengths and weaknesses in our marriage, dealing with infertility, how we view adoption and how we see it fitting into our family. The meeting with Bob (the homestudy guy) lasted about an hour and a half. He was very comfortable to talk to and we look forward to sharing our journey with him. Today (as I write), Nick is meeting with Bob for his one on one interview. It should last about the same amount of time as the last meeting. They will discuss Nick's family and how he was raised.
I go for my one on one interview next Tuesday and then on May 8th we will welcome Bob into our home to check it out and see all of the wonderfulness we can provide to a baby! :)

This has and will continue to be a long journey to build our family but building a family is very important to us, that it is worth the wait. We are excited for the journey that is ahead with an adoption and birth family. We know that our friends adn family are supportive and will do all they can to continue to support us in this endeavor.

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