Thursday, October 28, 2010

First Rugby Tournament

Brin has gone to her 1st rugby tournament. Nick had a tournament in Milwaukee and we FINALLY got to take our baby to a tournament. For YEARS we have said…”maybe next year we’ll have a baby”…and now we got our turn!!! :)

We had a sports banquet in Chicago the evening we were leaving for the tournament. After the banquet, we loaded up in the car and drove to Milwaukee. The baby did really well & slept the whole way. Once we got there, we transported her to her bed and she slept right through. (We know we are SOOOOO lucky & we thank her EVERY DAY for being such a good baby!!!)

We spent Saturday and Sunday at the gym. On Saturday, Claudia and Alisha were able to make it to the gym to see a game. It was GREAT to finally get them out to a game and spend some time with them. We were hoping to see Alisha at the game on Sunday, but schedules were changed and she wasn’t able to make. We missed her, but hope to see them out again next year.

We spent all of our time with Kristin and the kids during the games. We feel very fortunate to have such a great relationship with the Sauber family. They are GREAT friends!

The Chicago team came in 3rd place in the tournament and Nick got an award as well. After the games we headed home…but we did make a pit stop at the Gap outlet. :) (JEANS!!!!!)P1110013 P1110015

Nathan                                        Morgan

P1110019 P1110022 Aunt Kristin and Brin hanging on the gym floor. P1110027

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