Monday, August 9, 2010

Brin Update

Brin is  changing everyday. She is gaining weight…we finally got her formula figured out. She has discovered her hands and ALWAYS has them in her mouth. Nick says she is teething… I am not quite ready for that yet! She is beginning to become a drool factory. Bibs will soon be a fashion statement in our house. Today she discovered that she can bat at toys on a mobile. She is enjoying music. We have begun to play music as she goes to sleep at night. She has given us some belly laughs …though she only shares them when she wants…we are hoping we get to hear them more often. We have tried to get it on video, but it seems like she knows exactly when we turn the camera on, cause she won’t perform when we tape. Brin is cooing and beginning to talk a lot too. We have heard a few squeals..and am sure that they are on their way daily very soon.

Right now Brin’s favorite book is Yummy Yucky. She just cracks up when we read the page that goes:

Blueberries are YUMMY! Blue crayons are YUCKY!

It is sooo cute to listen to her laugh at that page.

Here are a few pictures from the other day.




1 comment:

Amy said...

She is just so darn beautiful!!!