Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Just some cute pictures to share…

P1100208Tummy time. Reading Goon Night Moon. She was up on her elbows most of the time today.

P1100211 P1100222I LOVE THESE 2 PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!She is LOVING her fingers. I thought for sure she was going to be a thumb sucker…but right now it is her HAND. Lets hope she grows out of that one…thumb sucking is bad enough…but hand sucking I think is worse. :)

 P1100226“It’s between me and the elephant!”

 P1100230“Who me?”

 P1100236 P1100237

Brin sat in her BUMBO for the first time today. She did pretty well. We are trying to find new things to do with her…besides the swing, floor, play mat, and rocker all the time. This may work for a few minutes.


And YES, tonight we entered the ever so tacky BIB stage. This drool was unbearable…so here goes all the super cute outfits. 

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